Mega Code Archive

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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
1) Chart
2) Collaboration
3) Data Analysis
4) Database Functions
5) Date Time Functions
6) Editing
7) Engineering Functions
8) Format Style
9) Formula
10) Information Functions
11) Introduction
12) Logical Functions
13) Lookup Reference Functions
14) Macro Activex Add In
15) Math Trigonometry Functions
16) Pivottable Pivotchart
17) Security
18) Statistical Functions
19) Table
20) Text Functions
21) Wordart Clip Art Shape Picture
22) Workbook Worksheet
Math Trigonometry Functions
1) =ACOS(-0 5)180PI()
2) =ASIN(-0 5)180PI()
3) =ATAN(1)180PI()
4) =ATAN2(-1, -1)180PI()
5) =CEILING(0 234123, 0 01)
6) =COS(60PI()180)
7) =COS(RADIANS(60))
8) =DEGREES(ACOS(-0 5))
9) =DEGREES(ASIN(-0 5))
11) =DEGREES(ATAN2(-1, -1))
12) =FLOOR(0 234, 0 01)
13) =LOG(8, 2)
14) =LOG10(10^5)
15) =LOG10(1E5)
16) =MDETERM({3,6,1;1,1,0;3,10,2})
17) =PI()(A2^2)
18) =POWER(4,54)
19) =POWER(98 6,3 2)
21) =QUOTIENT(-10, 3)
22) =QUOTIENT(4 5, 3 1)
23) =RANDBETWEEN(-1,1)
24) =ROMAN(2000,1)
25) =ROUND(-1 475, 2)
26) =ROUND(2 149, 1)
27) =ROUND(21 5, -1)
28) =ROUNDDOWN(76 9,0)
29) =ROUNDUP(3 14159, 3)
30) =SIN(RADIANS(30))
31) =SUM(5, 15, TRUE)
32) =SUM(A2
33) =SUMIF(A2
34) =SUMIFS(B2
35) =SUMX2MY2({2, 3, 9, 1, 8, 7, 5}, {6, 5, 11, 7, 5, 4, 4})
36) =SUMX2PY2({2, 3, 9, 1, 8, 7, 5}, {6, 5, 11, 7, 5, 4, 4})
37) =SUMXMY2({2, 3, 9, 1, 8, 7, 5}, {6, 5, 11, 7, 5, 4, 4})
38) =TAN(45PI()180)
39) =TAN(RADIANS(45))
40) =TRUNC(-8 9)
41) =TRUNC(PI())
42) ABS(number) returns the absolute value
43) ACOS(number) returns the arccosine
44) ACOSH(number) returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine
45) ASIN(number) returns the arcsine
46) ASINH(number) returns the inverse hyperbolic sine
47) ATAN (number) returns the arctangent
48) ATAN2(x,y) returns the arctangent from x- and y-coordinates
49) ATANH(number) returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent
50) COMBIN(number,number_chosen) returns the number of combinations
51) COS(number) returns the cosine
52) COSH(number) returns the hyperbolic cosine
53) DEGREES(angle) converts radians to degrees
54) EVEN(number) rounds a number up to the nearest even integer
55) EXP(number) returns e raised to the power of a given number
56) FACT(number) returns the factorial
57) FACTDOUBLE(number) returns the double factorial
58) FLOOR(number,significance) rounds a number down, towards zero
59) GCD(number1,number2, ) returns the greatest common divisor
60) INT(number) rounds a number down to the nearest integer
61) LCM(number1,number2, ) returns the least common multiple
62) LN(number) returns the natural logarithm
63) LOG(number,base) returns the logarithm to a specified base
64) LOG10(number) returns the base-10 logarithm
65) MDETERM(array) returns the matrix determinant of an array
66) MINVERSE(array) returns the matrix inverse of an array
67) MMULT(array1,array2) returns the matrix product of two arrays
68) MOD(number,divisor) returns the remainder from division
69) MROUND(number,multiple) returns a number rounded to the desired multiple
70) MULTINOMIAL(number1,number2, ) returns the multinomial of numbers
71) ODD(number) Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer
72) PI( ) returns the value of pi
73) POWER(number,power) raises to a power
74) PRODUCT(number1,number2, ) multiplies its arguments
75) QUOTIENT(numerator,denominator) returns the integer portion of a division
76) RADIANS(angle) converts degrees to radians
77) RAND( ) returns a random number between 0 and 1
78) RANDBETWEEN(bottom,top) returns a random number between the numbers you specify
79) ROMAN(number,form) converts an arabic numeral to roman
80) ROUND(number,num_digits) rounds a number to a specified number of digits
81) ROUNDDOWN(number,num_digits) rounds a number down, towards zero
82) ROUNDUP(number,num_digits) rounds a number up, away from zero
83) SERIESSUM(x,n,m,coefficients) returns the sum of a power series
84) SIGN(number) returns the sign
85) SIN(number) returns the sine of the given angle
86) SINH(number) returns the hyperbolic sine
87) SQRT(number) returns a positive square root
88) SQRTPI(number) returns the square root of (number pi)
89) SUBTOTAL(function_num, ref1, ref2, ) returns a subtotal
90) SUM(number1,number2, ) adds its arguments
91) SUMIF calculates the sum of a range that meets a specified criterion
92) SUMSQ(number1,number2, ) returns the sum of the squares of the arguments
93) TAN(number) returns the tangent
94) TANH(number) returns the hyperbolic tangent
95) TRUNC(number,num_digits) truncates a number to an integer
96) Use SUM with more than one range